The Terminal Podcast

Terminal at JSN Station – Practice Flight 101

Welcome all Terminal passengers. In this episode, we’ll talk the NBA Playoffs (3:45) and what’s worth watching. We’ll also touch on our favorite SportsCenter duos (12:35) and the best movie based roughly about college athletics (19:30). Episode 26 Trivia Answer – $49 million

Terminal Podcast – University of Dope – Class 202

Class is in session with a focus on historical sports topics; like what if injuries didn’t steal the best days of these late 20th century NBA stars, who was the best wide receiver not named Jerry Rice and the success rate for fictional movie baseball catchers.


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About The Terminal

A fictional airport where I serve as the main conductor, guiding passengers from across the country into conversations about a wide range of topics before sending someone away with a prize!

Yes, it’s only a fictional Final Gate Call, but it does earn the last word. And that’s always worth something in the end.