The Terminal Podcast

Terminal at JSN Station – Practice Flight 102

Welcome all Terminal passengers. In this episode, we’ll decide who should take the big shot in the NBA conference finals (3:10). We’ll determine who truly ended the Slam Dunk contest (9:30), reminisce about forgotten NFL running backs (19:30) and overhyped basketball stars from the late 20th century (21:35).

Terminal at JSN Station – Practice Flight 101

Welcome all Terminal passengers. In this episode, we’ll talk the NBA Playoffs (3:45) and what’s worth watching. We’ll also touch on our favorite SportsCenter duos (12:35) and the best movie based roughly about college athletics (19:30). Episode 26 Trivia Answer – $49 million


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About The Terminal

A fictional airport where I serve as the main conductor, guiding passengers from across the country into conversations about a wide range of topics before sending someone away with a prize!

Yes, it’s only a fictional Final Gate Call, but it does earn the last word. And that’s always worth something in the end.